Implement a language

I am not English so my translations are sometimes a bit ugly and I apologize. To remedy this I created a system that will allow you to implement your error messages.

Generate the template

I have created a class that generate code for a good language error handling.

It is very simple :

public static void main(String[] args) {

And the code will print that in the console:

import kwizzy.validation.RuleInfo;
import kwizzy.validation.exceptions.LanguageNotFoundException;
import kwizzy.validation.impl.RulesMessages;
import kwizzy.validation.rules.DefaultRules;
import kwizzy.validation.impl.RuleDescriptor;

import java.util.Optional;

import static kwizzy.validation.config.ValidatorConfig.*;

class RMessagesFr implements RulesMessages {

    public String getLang() {
        return "fr";

    public Optional<String> getMessageFor(String ruleName, RuleInfo r) {
        Optional<ListRulesFr> o = ListRulesFr.getRuleByName(ruleName);
        if (!o.isPresent()) {
            try {
                return cfg().languageList.getByLanguage("en").getMessageFor(ruleName, r);
            } catch (LanguageNotFoundException e) {
            return Optional.empty();
        return Optional.ofNullable(replaceInfos(o.get().message, r));

    public void setMessageFor(String ruleName, String msg) {
        ListRulesFr.getRuleByName(ruleName).ifPresent(e -> e.message = msg);

    public static Optional<RuleDescriptor> getByRuleName(String ruleName) {
        return Stream.of(DefaultRules.values())
                .filter(e -> e.getRuleName().equals(ruleName))
                .map(e -> (RuleDescriptor)e).findFirst();

    private enum ListRulesFr {

        ALPHA("alpha", 0, ":attr is not a alpha string."),
        EMAIL("email", 0, ":attr is not an email."),
        URL("url", 0, ":attr is not an url."),
        ALPHA_NUM("alpha_num", 0, ":attr is not alpha numeric."),
        ALPHA_NUM_SPACE("alpha_num_space", 0, ":attr is not alpha numeric or space."),
        NOT_EMPTY("not_empty", 0, ":attr is an empty string."),
        BLANK("blank", 0, ":attr is not a blank string."),
        NUMERIC("numeric", 0, ":attr is not a numeric string."),
        INT("int", 0, ":attr is not a integer."),
        DOUBLE("double", 0, ":attr is not a double."),
        FLOAT("float", 0, ":attr is not a float."),
        LONG("long", 0, ":attr is not a long."),
        LESSER("lesser", 1, ":attr must be lesser than :1."),
        HIGHER("higher", 1, ":attr must be higher than :1."),
        RANGE("range", 2, ":attr must be between :1 and :2."),
        CONFIRM("confirm", 0, ":attr not match with confirmation field."),
        JSON_ARR("json_arr", 0, ":attr is not a json array."),
        JSON("json", 0, ":attr is not a json object."),
        MAX_LENGTH("max_length", 1, ":attr must be lesser than :1 length."),
        MIN_LENGTH("min_length", 1, ":attr must be at least of :1 length."),
        DIFF("diff", 1, ":attr is same as :1."),
        BOOL("bool", 0, ":attr is not a boolean (0, 1, true, false)."),
        OPTIONAL("optional", 0, ":attr is optional."),
        UNIQUE("unique", 2, ":attr already exist."),

        String message;
        String ruleName;
        int params;

        ListRulesFr() {}

        ListRulesFr(String message, int params, String ruleName) {
            this.message = message;
            this.ruleName = ruleName;
            this.params = params;

        private static Optional<ListRulesFr> getRuleByName(String rn) {
            return Stream.of(ListRulesFr.values())
                    .filter(e -> e.ruleName.equals(rn))

So now you have this template you can create a class and copy/paste this. To modify a message just change the third parameter in the enum.

Add the language class

In your main class add this:

ValidatorConfig.cfg().languageList.add(new RMessagesFr())

Say to validator use this lang

When you instantiate validator you can precise the language you want:

Validator v = new Validator(form);

results matching ""

    No results matching ""