Create a validator object from a class

Because you don't want to repeat your code or use the same validator every times in multiple form. I have integrated an annotation @Rules("rules you want') which allows creating a rule on a field in a class.

How to do that ?

First we need to create a simple class:

public class UserDto {

    private String name;

    private String email;

    private int age;


Then add @Rule on each fields:

public class UserDto {

    @Rules("optional | min_length: 3 | max_length: 20")
    private String name;

    @Rules("email | max_length: 50")
    private String email;

    @Rules("range: 18, 100")
    private int age;


And next when you want to get the validator from this class just do:

Validator validator = Validator.validatorFromClass(UserDto.class);

Don't forget to inject form implementation else you will have some errors.

You can add other validation rules.

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    No results matching ""