
Validator is a simple library that help you to handle form validation.
It's a painful task that needs to be automated.
Fortunately my lib is here for you. It will save you a lot of time!


The tests are run by circle-ci :


Simple use case with spark

Import this in your code base:

 post("/test/", (r, q) -> {
     Map<String, String> check = new Validator(new SparkForm(r))
             .addRule("title   -> max_length: 100 | min_length: 10")
             .addRule("price   -> range: 0, 99999")
             .addRule("website -> url")
             .addRule("email   -> email")
             .addRule("tags    -> json_arr | diff: (:1)", new JSONArray().put("hey").put("this is a replacement").toString())
     if (!check.isEmpty()) {
         return "Somes errors, check is key/value where key=field and value=error message";
     return "No error here!";

results matching ""

    No results matching ""